Welcome to Sprout Life

A community of energy healing and reading practitioners that support your desire for growth and transformation. Let us guide you to a deeper communication with the spirit of you through which a clearer path to answers and truth will emerge.

Change your energy. Transform your life.

We live in a vibrational universe. At our deepest level, we are energy, and energy vibrates.  Each of us has our own unique energy resonance. Disharmony comes from not being in alignment with this resonance.

Everything is vibrational – your thoughts, ideas, judgements, insecurities, life experiences, and emotions are also energy.  Lower vibrational energies can get stuck in the body thereby lowering one’s overall vibration.

Sprout Life’s practitioners work with you to get stuck energies in movement!


Our clairvoyant reading practitioners see pictures of energy related to the spirit of you and where you are learning and growing. In that space, they are able to clearly view what you're looking to create in your life, what may be in the way, and then identify and communicate what can lead to next steps and change.

Reading Services

Energy Healings

Our intuitive, clairsentient energy practitioners can sense and feel vibrational energies. For our Intuitive Energy Healings, these skills are used to direct and put energy in motion so it can be released from your space. 

Healing Services


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